What Color is Your Energy Today?

>> Wednesday, September 30, 2009

If you've read the book The Celestine Prophecy or The Tenth Insight, or any other of the many books and article on the energy we give off during our daily interactions with others, you already know that our auras - those fields of energy that surround us - are subject to color changes as our atttitudes and emotional states change.

That being said, what color is your energy today? Of course every color has its true hues and its muddy hues - the truer the color, the more positive the energy; the duller the color, the more negative the energy.

Are you -

  • Red? Are you a bright red - feeling full of passion or courage and ready to take on the world in a positive way? Or are you a dull red - angry at all of the injustices and problems that you feel have unfairly been foisted upon you?

  • Orange? Are you a bright orange - full of energy and warmth, ready to take on transitional cycles with a positive attitude? Or a dull orange, feeling somewhat unmotivated and at odds with everyone and everything around you for no real reason?

  • Yellow? Are you a bright yellow - cheerful and optimistic - sunny - just like the sun? Or a mustardy yellow, not quite sad, but not quite glad either. You just "are."

  • Green? Are you a clear green - feeling balanced, organized and "connected", perhaps extroverted and expressive? Or a dull green - just ready to relax or perhaps a bit envious of those whose life is a bit more balanced?

  • Blue? Are you a true blue -full of compassion, acceptance and empathy, ready to calm situations and nurture everyone around you? Or a dull blue - unsure of yourself and your relationships with those around you? Maybe you're having trouble making decisions - or perhaps you just need to "recharge your batteries."

  • Indigo/Violet? If you're a deep rich purple, you're probably feeling especially intuitive today. Your mind and spirit are clear and open to growth. A dull purple? Perhaps it's best that others leave you alone today while you sort thru your motivations.

As for me, I'll have a grey poupon today - definitely a lovely shade of mustard yellow right now. I think I'll go pop a favorite CD in the player and see if I can get myself to the bright green I need to be!

It's interesting to note that the colors in our environment also have an effect on us, so depending on how you want to feel, you might consider finding a space with your particular "color needs" and spending some time there!

Have a wonderful day, no matter what your color is!


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